Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Storage Wars

I'm currently on a mission to declutter my life so a trip to Ikea was definitely in order. 

I actually went to specifically get a new Billy Bookcase but they'd sold out of the white (sad face), but it's all good as it just gives me another excuse to go back soon. 

They'd also sold out of the cacti I wanted and so I settled for this cute little snake plant, which I'm actually now getting rather attached to. I'm terrible with plants so I'm really hoping that it doesn't die anytime soon.  

I also picked up these little glass pots, perfect for storing my cotton wool pads and buds; a dish for my rings (although it's actually a candle holder), a plant pot for my make up brushes and a glass jar for my nail polishes...all for under £15. Bargain!

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